Wellbeing Services
1. Know Your Stress Numbers
Individual sessions with employees and evaluation through a specialized bio-feedback tool (software) of the following:
- How the environment and lifestyle affect a person’s health
- Recording individual levels of stress
- Personal Report (Graphics)
Upon completion of the individual evaluation, the results are analyzed and brief guidance & techniques are given for the most effective management of stress, as well as of the factors that affect the health / well-being of each participant.
2. Mindfulness Sessions
The Mindfulness programs of Hellas EAP are designed to increase the well-being and resilience of human resources. Through experiential connection and self-awareness exercises – (Mindfulness), participants gain experiences and knowledge that can transform their personal and work reality:
- Hourly Mindfulness online presentations focused on specific topics
- Group experiential practices on Mindfulness – techniques for integrating meditative practices in our daily life
- One-to-one Mindfulness Consultation Sessions. Hourly, individual relaxation and recharging sessions for Executives, through Mindfulness practices.
3. Diet & Exercise
Planning and implementation of Training and Motivation programs for employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
- Nutrition education & counselling – Individual & family sessions
- Hourly online presentations on nutrition and exercise awareness and training. Indicatively:
- Diet for healthy Families and Children
- Stress-Busting Foods and Strategies to strengthen Your Immune System
- How to read food labels
- Increasing one’s efficiency and energy through one’s diet
4. Corporate Health & Well-being Campaigns
The Health & Well-being Campaigns of Hellas EAP constitute a complete system for the establishment and the communication of a culture for the promotion of health and well-being in the Workplace. They are designed to enhance the personal responsibility, mobilization and active participation of employees, to promote prevention and keep staff healthy and active.
They are a holistic approach of employees’ well-being guiding them towards the adoption of habits (healthy life skills) that ensure a better level of physical and mental health. They focus on three main areas of interest:
- Prevention & Awareness
- Scientific Information
- Acquisition of Practical Knowledge & Skills
5. Smoking Cessation Program
The Smoking Cessation Program of Hellas EAP is based on scientific research and has been developed to help participants control and quit smoking.
It aims to address the psychological addiction to smoking, to provide scientific support for the needs and difficulties faced by employees in their trying to quit smoking, and to prevent / minimize the relapse to this addictive behavior.